Friday, March 1, 2019

Guy Gode: Rereading America

What is the poke fun Code? According to Kimmel, the Guy Code is the collection of attitudes, values, and traits that together composes what is factor to be a man. Pretty much, the Guy Code means that you neer show your feelings, be strong, and never give up. All in all, wear downt be a sissy. You should never show emotions or convey to weakness. To the world, you must show that theres nothing to be bear on ab start and that everything is going to be fine. In my opinion, I would have to think that this is also my understanding of what is means to be a man.I think of them as not letting anyone step all over them and that they think theyre constantly in control. They try to always win especially when theyre competing with theyre friends. An encounter that I have observed and experienced that collect the gender police is in Junior High gym class. Guys would always criticize and judge other guys if they screwed up on anything while compete a game. It always happened to be the mo re popular guys in my pit who would constantly watch the non-popular guys proficient to watch them mess up.They would do this just so they can sit there and call them a work party of names for example wimp, dork, faggot, weak, etc. I always felt gravid for them because I knew that it would affect them in the long run. This incident has had a abiding effect on me. I always feel bad for the guys who go out for sports who arent really good but go out anywase because the guys who are really good will just keep put them down and calling them names. This makes guys more prone to depression, suicidal behavior.

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